The right product, the exact solution!

We offer you the most accurate, efficient and reliable solutions with our extensive portfolio of Principals from around the world, our broad selection of chemicals, our custom-made products, and our qualified, industry-focused sales and technical service staff.

Solved ™

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University-Industry Collaborations

We dedicated ourselves to promoting and advancing the chemistry field. Therefore, we fully support chemical trade associations and professional organizations with our know-how. We also collaborate with universities to train the next generation workforce through recruiting from universities and sponsoring or partnering research.

Career Opportunities

Our employees excel in solving challenges and exceeding customer expectations in an environment of quality, reliability and integrity. If you can see yourself as a part of this community and searching for a promising career, we have a range of opportunities for you.


To protect the environment, our team, customers and suppliers, our sustainability approach shapes our way of conducting business, from innovation to production. That's why we are constantly working to create sustainable solutions.

matters for all

We are here to answer all your chemical needs and help you with every element of your business with a wide range of products. No matter the industry or project, we have a solution for all of our clients.
Because you matter to us!